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1.11, 21st november 2014 Download MeToo (full version) Download MeToo (upgrade only) Install Notes MeToo is now installed ! Technical notes The upgrade version does not contain these files : access.csv, accesslog.csv, gamelist.csv, names.csv, userlist.csv, warning.csv. Changelog Map display debug (removed accentuated characters from file names). You need to start zzzfilebuild.php again. Relation/neutrals debug. Update of popup function. Added new mark for "no pop center scouted" (you need to start zzzfilebuild.php again). This version was lost ! I didnt backup it enough :( Small debug of magic window. Small debug of army window. Small debug of help window. Included dll updater (you need to start zzzfilebuild.php again). Debugged tile display under IE. Suppressed error message if hub is offline. Added mark for no population (you need to start zzzfilebuild.php again). Added possibility to create fortifications without pop center. Corrected hero extraction when in desert. Corrected a data file update mistake from a previous update. Corrected validation mail bug. Corrected global analysis window bug. Added admin option to have enemy values starting over at each turn. Corrected persisting orders display bug. Corrected bug linked with ' in names. Corrected a character name not being replaced correctly. Corrected bugs related to installation folder. This is the first version (release candidate). Planned changes Report bugs + requests
To report any bug or request a feature, please send a mail to this adress fcambounet@yahoo.com.
This application is opensource software released under the GPL. A copy of the licence can be viewed here. Copies of the licence are also contained within the package. This package and its contents are Copyright © 2006 Fabrice Cambounet, All Rights Reserved.
Translation packs
At this time only english and french are integrated into MeToo.
Should you wish to integrate another language, please contact fcambounet@yahoo.com. Translating into another language means translating these files (adding a new column with a new language or creating a file copy) : metoo_loc.csv, orders.csv, artefacts.csv, map_names.csv, suppress_uk.csv, replace_uk.csv, replace_troops_uk.csv. Themes
To be developped.